Friday, March 6, 2020

The Importance of Good Writing and Reading Skills. - ALOHA Mind Math

The Importance of Good Writing and Reading Skills. Most children have their own style of creativity. But they don’t really lean toward writing as a means of expressing themselves. If you see that your child has the potential to develop good writing skills, it is better to help them develop these skills at an early age. Usually, apart from homework there is no stress on writing. Experts say improving writing and reading skills must not be neglected.Reading and writing development are intertwined in learning. The physical act of writing letters and words enhances a child’s ability to read. The complementary relationship between reading and writing continues long after these early efforts. Therefore, it is good to stress on improving writing skills at a young age itself. Good vocabulary is the foundation for good writing. The best way to improve children’s knowledge of words is to encourage them to read more, and look up the meanings of words they do not understand. Playing simple word games or even scrabble can greatly contribute towards building children’s vocabulary. Going through their homework to check for spelling and grammatical errors is also useful, as it will reinforce what is being taught in school. When children have a report to write at home, it is better to encourage them to make a rough draft first. This way spelling and other errors can b e avoided in the final copy. Using color pencils and pens with different colored inks are fun for kids.Also, providing them various kinds of paper for spontaneous writing projects will help. Cute note cards and stationery make writing letters and notes more interesting. Another activity that is sure to keep your child busy, is writing a picture story. Let her draw a picture and then describe it or even come up with a story. ALOHA is also introducing a unique approach to writing and reading. For more information please visit Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook at: and on Twitter: @AlohaKidsMath for constant updates and tips for your child’s education and development. Photo Courtesy:

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